Wednesday, March 12, 2008

sarNworld Radio Dj Profiles

Dj Dizzy D
Name: Diane
Dj Name: Dizzy D
sarNworld Username: .diane.
Nicknames: 'Ane, Ann
Age: 23
Location: Mexico
Ethnicity: Mostly Asian
Place of Birth: Kansas
Favorite Genre of Music: no favorite style, i have my moods wink
Date Joined sarNworld: 28-August 05
Something Unique About Me: i have over 200 gigs worth of thai music alone
Current Education:
Favorite Artist(s): Bird Thongchai, Nat Myria, Kat English, CoCo Lee, Namie Amuro
Favorite Song:
Earliest Childhood Memory: birfay cakes
Overused Words: right on
Why My sarNworld Username: call me unoriginal lol
Why My Dj Name: (Optional) makes me hippity hop

Dj Kisses
Name: Tina
Dj Name: Dj Kisses
sarNworld Username: KhoOnxNouxWanxJai
Nicknames: Tina, Kisses, Khoon Nou, Pim, Rath, Wan
Age: -1
Location: Dallas, Tx
Ethnicity: ThaiLaoBodian
Place of Birth: Oakland, Ca.
Favorite Genre of Music: I listen to almost anything that catches my ear ;]
Date Joined sarNworld: 2.20.2006
Something Unique About Me: I rox? LOL kidding
Current Education: Biology and Business Admin + Macroeconomics Major @ Utdallas
Goals: To become a pediatrician
Favorite Artist: Man I have so much It'll take days to list, but for right now Parn Thanaporn and Peacemaker oh and of course Lookpad
Favorite Song: "Ruk Tao Rai Gor Yarng Mai Por"
Earliest Childhood Memory: Stealing lemonheads LOL
Overused Words: "I guess"
Why My sarNworld Username: Long story short I'm just a Khoon Nou Wan Jai ;]
Why My Dj Name: (Optional) Long story short again.... it deals with candy?
-Msn: Personal Sorry!
-Aim: Wun LaOz Grl
-Yahoo: KhoOnxNouxWanxJai

Dj Guess
Name: TyziR
Dj Name: "Lazy" DJ GueSs
sarNworld Username: GueSs
Nicknames: Ty
Age: I can drink legally now.
Location: United States
Ethnicity: Laos, Thai
Place of Birth: City of Brotherly Love
Favorite Genre of Music: Freestyle
Date Joined sarNworld: Look at the side column
Something Unique About Me: I have cool hair
Current Education: Between High school Graduate and almost there but too lazy to go to college.
Goals: Being able to provide for my family.
Favorite Artist: Boys II Men
Favorite Song: Varies
Earliest Childhood Memory: Like when I was around 3 my parent water bed.
Overused Words: Fucker
Why My sarNworld Username: I used to play trivia in this other site and Guessed every answer.
Why My Dj Name: (Optional) It matches my username and I'm lazy.
-Msn: TyziR (rarely) on it
-Aim: TyziR (Never on it)
-Yahoo: TyziR_(Middle name) (Rarely on it)
-Skype: Same as Yahoo but without the underscore (hardly on it)

Dj Lekie Lucious
Name: Lek
Dj Name: DJ Lekie_lucious
sarNworld Username: lalalek
Nicknames: Lekie
Age: The oldest DJ on here
Location: Over the tall grassy fields
Ethnicity: LaMong
Favorite Genre of Music: Too much to remember, i like alot!
Date Joined sarNworld: look to your left dry......
Something Unique About Me: My Perky Voice and Personality
Current Education: 3rd yr in College.... graduating soon smile
Goals: Graduate from my college, Transfer & get a Bachelor Degree in Psychology.....intrested in being a Humanitarin and Travel around the world to Save people's lives... smile
Favorite Singer: My Soot Lau...ASC
Favorite Song: Peacemakers - Soot Tai
Overused Words: Alrighty and Shut The U Know What Up.....hehe
-Msn: I dont like adding people i dont sorry....only for good friends smile
-Aim: Rarely get on anymore
-PM: me here

Dj Ning
Name: noungning
Dj Name: dj ning
sarNworld Username: noungning
Nicknames: ning
Age: 12 turning 13 soon counting down...ready 6, 5, 4..
Location: neverending lane
Ethnicity: asian
Place of Birth: a hospital somewhere
Favorite Genre of Music: almost all except country
Date Joined sarNworld: um october 1st 2005, now where's my anniversary gift?
Something Unique About Me: i'm cool
Current Education: i dropped out
Goals: don't have one
Favorite Artist: many but one has got to be modern dog [thai artist]
Favorite Song: incubus - drive

Earliest Childhood Memory: huh? what did i do yesterday is hard too...
Overused Words: omg
Why My sarNworld Username: huh why what? what tricky question is this?
Why My Dj Name: (Optional) well um i like my name
-Msn: n/a
-Aim: n/a
-Yahoo: n/a
-Skype: n/a

others: i don't like contacting ppl. ppl contact me in the chat so go there lmao

Dj Chipmunk
Name: malee
Dj Name: dj chipmunk
sarNworld Username: owwee_its_leelee
Nicknames: chipmunk, leelee, emunk, and joey
Age: too old
Location: south dallas
Ethnicity: cambodian and chinese
Place of Birth: at home in oed
Favorite Genre of Music: khmer music
Date Joined sarNworld: umm please divert ur attention to the
Something Unique About Me: i'm one of a i duno
Current Education: college
Goals: become and american jp duno really
Favorite Artist: big mama
Favorite Song: Forever by jesse and the rippers
Earliest Childhood Memory:
Overused Words: like and ya'll
Why My sarNworld Username: because its like owwee it's
Why My Dj Name: (Optional) cause ppl say i sound like a chipmunk
-Msn: don't have one
-Aim: xxdjchipmunkxx (rarely on)
-Yahoo: sreymalee (always on)
-Skype: emochipmunk ( hmm not really on)

Dj Julie
Name: Julie
Dj Name: DJ_Julie
sarNworld Username: Julie Weak Sauce (atm)
Nicknames: Julie
Age: 17
Location: Hickory, NC
Ethnicity:Hmong. biggrin
Place of Birth:Iono..just somewhere
Favorite Genre of Music: <33>
Date Joined sarNworld: BRB on that
Something Unique About Me: -->I'm the only DJ named Julie. laugh
Current Education: Life as a High School Senior
Goals: Graduate. Hit 30 listeners when i DJ.
Favorite Artist: atm, none
Favorite Song: Ter (24 December 2004)--Tong (Changes)
Earliest Childhood Memory: playing in the pool sand box. biggrin
Overused Words: gosh..umm..ok
Why My sarNworld Username: cause Darvil is WEAK SAUCE
Why My Dj Name: (Optional)Couldn't think of anything else.
-Msn:PM me
-Aim:PM me
-Yahoo:Pm me
-Skype:BRB on that

Name: LaLa
Dj Name: miiss-LALA
sarNworld Username: LaLa Tsab
Nicknames: ----
Age: Really Really Young
Location: 10,000 Lakes
Ethnicity: Hmong
Place of Birth: 10,000 Lakes
Favorite Genre of Music: Hip-Hop, R&B, Punk, Rock, Etc..
Date Joined sarNworld:
Something Unique About Me: I'm just UNIQUE!
Current Education: Highschool
Goals: Keep Life On Track!
Favorite Artist: Lydia
Favorite Song: Don't Leave Me Here
Earliest Childhood Memory: Going outside and play everday!
Overused Words: Bitch!
Why My sarNworld Username: Cause It's My Name!
Why My Dj Name: Cause It's My Name! But thinking about changing it!
-Aim: ---
-Yahoo: ----
-Skype: ----

Dj Chubs
Name: nat
Dj Name: chubs
sarNworld Username: natty
Nicknames: natty, jae, na
Age: tsk tsk
Location: california
Ethnicity: thai
Place of Birth: new york
Favorite Genre of Music: dancehall reggae, sappy, alternatives
Date Joined sarNworld: profile said aug 05 but i've been here since sarn first start it
Something Unique About Me: everything
Current Education:
Goals: see avatar
Favorite Artist: 3 doors down and clash
Favorite Song: right now "say it right"
Earliest Childhood Memory: yesterday
Overused Words: psssh
Why My sarNworld Username: requires no thinking
Why My Dj Name: (Optional) fits me well
-Msn: n/a
-Aim: n/a
-Yahoo: n/a
-Skype: n/a

Dj Pac
Name: Pac
Dj Name: Dj Packy
sarNworld Username: Pac
Nicknames: pac pac
Age: 69
Location: Australia
Favorite Genre of Music: pop
Date Joined sarNworld: dont remeber
Something Unique About Me: haha i like to ask questions
Current Education: high school
Goals: annoy tim tam
Favorite Artist: ...
Favorite Song: any
Earliest Childhood Memory: lol i have 3 second memory
Why My sarNworld Username: easy to remeber
Why My Dj Name: I don't know
-Ask me

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